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Why I became a healer


The story begins a few years back.

As a young child, I was always seeking spirituality.

I tried finding it in churches, even though my family was agnostic, but could never reconcile its exclusivity.  Instead the theater of nature became my church. Our family spent weekends and vacations in the mountains and forests, at rivers, lakes, Salish sea, and the Pacific ocean.  I could usually be found in the woods, ravines, a swampy pond, or climbing a tree near our home.  Here I found meaning and food for my soul.  And, I knew there was more.

In junior high my best friend and I were doing “field research” for a report on Psychic Phenomena. We went to a metaphysical bookstore and the shopkeeper gave each of us a palm reading. She said I had the hands of a healer.

Back then, a nurse was the only kind of healer that came to mind, and I quickly batted that notion away.  I was terrified of needles.

Many years later I was living in New England after receiving my MFA, waitressing and working in my studio, when I experienced a minor back injury.  I had also been feeling a little lost about my direction in life.  It turned out to be a blessing in disguise, blossoming into a curiosity about natural foods and healing, and reawakened my spiritual quest.

A whole new world opened up, and the next five intensive years were full of learning and discovery in personal and spiritual growth, healing, natural foods.  For a short time during my last few years in New England I rented a beautiful space above the The Golden Sheaf natural food store with my friend Heather.  She gave tarot and astrology readings (and still is!),  I offered energy healing and Voice Dialogue sessions part time.

The next decade in Seattle was focused on natural foods. I developed an innovative natural food program that became a model for introducing organic and natural products to the mainstream.  It was very rewarding, and I met a lot of wonderful people.  My favorites were the herbalists who I crossed paths with, many of them I had met in New England.  They’re the mystics and alchemists of the industry.

In the midst of this busy life, I found my way back into the healing arts,  and was introduced to shamanism.  It rather tracked me down.

My mom left this world too soon, in 1996.  My heart was broken, and constantly racing. Nothing seemed to be medically wrong, and none of my natural potions or therapies helped.  My resting heart rate was over 100 bpm.  So my MD doctor scribbled a shamanic healer’s name on a piece of paper, and said to give it a try.  Within a week of seeing her my heart rate returned to normal.  And I had found my first teacher in shamanism, after searching for a decade.

It took my emotional heart a long time to recover from the loss, and it was the ever-present catalyst drawing my attention to what I now recognize as my calling.  I remembered the palm reader’s prophetic words.

After a few classes in shamanism in the 1990s, I went on a journey of extensive training in shamanism and shamanic healing. In 1998, I was introduced to Michael Harner and The Foundation for Shamanic Studies.  I’ve had the good fortune to study with him, Sandra Ingerman, and many other great teachers in shamanism since then.

During another difficult time in my life,  I participated in my first Family Constellations workshop with Brigitte Sztab. I was so moved and healed by the experience, that I’ve been involved in trainings, workshops, and facilitation ever since. I experienced the morphogenetic field, as Rupert Sheldrake describes it, come alive.  I could see how when I do what I do in shamanic healing, things change.

I eventually started my private practice in 2003, and since around 2005 it became my full time focus along with teaching.

It’s through the process of my life challenges and healing journey that I was introduced to, if not initiated into, these truly remarkable methods. Shamanism, human systems constellations, somatic trauma healing, hypnotherapy, energy healing. All have been transformative for me personally.

My work integrates insights and skills distilled from my training, work and life experience;  inspiration, wisdom and knowledge from my teachers, nature, and spirit; and everyone I’ve had the privilege to work with,  and have been touched by.