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Extraction and Spirit Releasement (Deposession)


Spiritual or “psychic” intrusions are energies that become lodged in our field. They may be experienced physically as illness, pain or physical discomfort or emotionally as anger or fear.

A shamanic practitioner is able to identify intrusions and safely remove and transmute the misplaced or negative energy with a process called Extraction.

Symptoms of spiritual intrusion include: localized pain or discomfort, illness, fear, anger.

Spirit Releasement

Spirit releasement or depossession frees the field of spirit attachements.

Symptoms of a spirit attachment or being overshadowed include: noticeable but sometimes subtle changes in behavior or personality; unfamiliar reactions to familiar situations; sudden onset of unusual cravings, compulsions or addictions; confusion, apathy or procrastination; physical sensations or symptoms in the absence of an apparent cause; illness; feeling another presence within or around; feeling unnaturally drained of energy.

If a spirit attachment has been present for a long time, we may not differentiate the thoughts, emotions and behaviors as being separate from our own.